Blick aud die Nordschleife|Karusell, © Sebastian Schulte

Mythos Nordschleife | green Hell Nürburgring

Explore the Nordschleife in your own car or on your own motorbike – at the Nürburgring everyone has that possibility. The circuit is open for tourist rides on fixed dates, inviting the fans of this legendary circuit to enjoy a unique experience.

Feel the Green Hell inside of you!

Explore the Nordschleife in your own car or on your own motorbike – at the Nürburgring everyone has that possibility. The circuit is open for tourist rides on fixed dates, inviting the fans of this legendary circuit to enjoy a unique experience.

The track
The Nordschleife is no modern race course. Blind curves, treacherous blind crests, steep grades, and frequent changes in road surface conditions and therefore in friction make the north loop one of the most demanding, challenging courses for any motor sports fan. At the same time, it is regarded as what may be the “most beautiful country road in the world”. 

Safety rules & driving regulations
There are other motorists due to the organised tours, so some rules need to be followed – in the interest of safety for all concerned. You have to drive on the right side and the German Road Traffic Act (StVO) and German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) apply on the Nordschleife.

Opening times:
The hours of operation for tourist rides on the Nordschleife can be found
Updated daily you can also call our information line: Tel.: +49 (0) 2691 - 302-630

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