Radarena am Ring BULLS Achterbahn MTB Tour 2


Gesperrt Radstrecken | Flutkatastrophe Ahrtal | Aktuelle Information! Bitte beachten!

Die Radstrecke ist nach den starken Niederschlägen der letzten Wochen und durch die Flutkatastrophe im Landkreis Ahrweiler in großen Abschnitten nicht befahrbar. Straßen und Wege sind zum Teil beschädigt. Viele Ortschaften und Städte entlang der Ahr wurden überflutet und teils schwer zerstört. Wir bitten Sie, insbesondere die von der Flutkatastrophe betroffenen Gebiete nicht aufzusuchen.


The name says it all: the BULLS Achterbahn - roller coaster mountain bike route captivates with its varied ups and downs through the dreamy valleys and ridges of the Hocheifel.
The well-signposted tour starts at the exit of the historic town of Adenau, at the Breuer cycling shop. The place is briefly touched and the route dips into the dense mixed forest landscape of the Hocheifel. At first the route is rather gentle with small climbs, but after a good 12 km the route becomes sportier and more demanding with increasing ascents and descents. Magnificent views and light-flooded forest passages alternate and are characteristic of the rapid roller coaster ride.

As the grand finale of the tour, just behind the "Hohe Acht" hiking car park, there is a detour to the Kaiser Wilhelm Tower on the Hohe Acht: In exchange for another 100 meters more in the legs, the fantastic view from the highest vantage point in the Eifel compensates for all the efforts of the day. Take a deep breath - pause and enjoy. Partly steep, partly easy downhill, the last 5 km back to the starting point then run almost by itself.

The figurative figure of eight of the tour also gives the opportunity to experience the route in 2 shorter individual stages from / to Leimbach.
De weg is het hele jaar geopend

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  • wegweiser-mtb_achterbahn
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More information about this route

Start: Adenau, in der Ex

Destination: Adenau

Distance: 55.4 km

Duration: 7:0 h

Difficulty: difficult

Ascent: 1,221 m

Descent: 1,221 m

Mountainbike Radarena am Ring

Tourist-Information Hocheifel-Nürburgring

Kirchstraße 15-19
53518 Adenau
Phone: 0049 2691 305122
Fax: 0049 2691 305196

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